I wasn't really thinking the whole thing through. Birth is a traumatic yet wonderful experience. I look forward to having children of my own someday and both my wife and I are excited about it. Delivery just isn't the kindest thing on the neck of a new born though. The skeleton of infants are not fully hardened at birth, add to that that muscle needs to be built up fully and you have a body that can be easily be thrown out of alignment. I have a friend who told me they were having troubles getting their child to sleep through the night. I believe the term colicky was used. They took their kid to a chiropractor and after a single adjustment the problem was solved.
The amazing thing about pediatric care from a chiropractor is the amount of force needed for an adjustment. In children not much is needed. The amount of pressure applied to an infant is the same amount of force you apply when gently poking your own hand with a finger. Not much at all but the bone just slides back into place. As a chiropractor I can specialize, just like medical students can, and I may choose to specialize in pediatrics. I can't think of a more rewarding area to be in.
The important thing to remember is that Chiropractic care maintains proper nervous system function which is essential for prober development, growth, and health. Children growth fast which probably makes them ideal candidates for chiropractic care.
Oh, you should do that! You would be great working with kids! I just discovered this blog by the way. I'll start following it.