Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Cost effective care

In a class today we spoke about two heath care ideas, a practice that is symptom relieving or one that is "curative", and the cost effectiveness of both. Going to get cured for a disease in the long run is more cost effective and it is something we all really know. In fact being cured is what we all really want anyways when we become ill. No one in their right mind goes to the doctor and says, "Hey I'm feeling awful Doc. I want you to make me feel better but I don't want you to cure me of the problem. I like my disease," yet we still have situations where we do just that. For high blood pressure we can get a nice little pill that will bring it down for us. The symptom is gone but only so long as the pill continues to get used. To top it off the body will eventually get used to the dose that is being prescribed for the high blood pressure and a new larger dosage will be required. The pill is not making the user better at all. In fact after a time if the individual ever goes off the pill their blood pressure doesn't stay decreased or even go back to what it was before the pill but is higher than what it was before they started taking medications. Now don't get me wrong here I'm not in any way saying medication is evil or unnecessary I'm only trying to point out that if we could "cure" the problem then we could be free of pills and high blood pressure which is going to save money in the long run. So lets start saving money and going for the "cure" whether it be through chiropractic or allopathic care it is something we all deserve. In the long run maintaining our health is much more cost effective than getting sick.

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